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You May Now Kiss the Jeweled Bride - Indian Weddings

Justin Grainger

 Sterling Silver Rings, Wedding Rings, Wedding Bands, Cubic Zirconia


         Indian weddings are rich with cultural significance, and this high esteem is made most conspicuous by their famed extravagance. The undeniable centerpiece of these ornate ceremonies is the Indian bride, who is immaculately bedecked in brilliant gold jewelry in observance of what is widely regarded as the most important day of her life. Indian brides personify many of the virtues and traditions of their land of origin, the modernization of which is reflected in the diversified selection of nuptial gemstones. Amidst her glamour, the contemporary Indian bride deserves to be recognized as an innovator and active agent in her own grand celebration. By dissecting the profound symbolism within the bridal jewelry, their transformation by the women who wear them can be thoroughly comprehended.

            Gold is the most prominent precious metal in Indian weddings, as it is not only a universal indicator of wealth and elevated social standing, but its presence is also believed to be a foretoken of a blessed and joyous marriage. Despite the ever-changing bridal landscape, gold remains a timeless heirloom due to its tremendous value and durability. Hindu culture in particular exalts gold as a purifier for those who make contact with it, and it is customarily worn above the waist. Wedding jewelry that is orthodoxly golden includes necklaces, earrings, and bangles, or chudiyaan. The most remarkable evidence of gold’s importance to India is the fact that the nation has recently surpassed China as its largest consumer.

            Indian wedding jewelry has expanded to encompass a variety of precious stones and metal, due in part to brides experimenting with a variety of looks and ultimately creating some truly striking ensembles. Additionally, the exposure of Indian subcultures’ matrimonial customs has provided even more options for bridal jewels. Chudiyaan can also be constructed from diamonds (Cubic Zirconia), and the Punjabi version, called the choora, are a red-and-white pair of 21 bangles worn for the 40 days following the wedding. Silver is the second most common precious metal at Indian weddings, for it denotes motherhood while protecting the wearer from magic and negative emotions. Silver rings adorn fingers, toes, and noses, with the latter two types of wedding bands being called bichiya or metti and nath, respectively. Anklets, also known as payal, are also essential wedding jewelry, but as of late they have become fashion statement outside of their special occasion. The current trend of hair accessories appears to have stemmed from ceremonial headdresses, and it has also broadened past its conjugal usage. Waistbands’ popularity has been revitalized in modern times, and brides of all shapes and sizes are given the choice to flaunt them on their anticipated day.

            The discussion of cultural appropriation has been pivotal to Indian brides reclaiming the narrative of their sacred jewelry. The Maang Tikka is an ornamented forehead accessory that is one of the most distinguishable articles of wedding jewelry, as well as one of the most misused by non-Indian wearers. This distinct treasure is specifically used for South Asian weddings, with variations across ethnic and religious groups, but it is often stripped of its import by Western commodification. Celebrities like Selena Gomez have been lambasted for appropriating chudiyaan, and Gwen Stefani popularized the bindi by reducing to a mere youth trend. The prevailing wisdom regarding wearing Indian wedding jewelry is to wear it only for its intended purpose as either a member of the culture or as an invited guest with the permission of the culture’s actual members.

            Indian weddings will only grow more lavish as brides continue to reinvent the honored tradition by pioneering new, original styles that set the fashion standard. Modern Indian brides have brightened their many elegant but monochromatic wedding rings by combining them with assortments of colorful gems. Expressing one’s unique, desired bridal fashion sense is made a reality through the convenience of individual customization. Also, the growing consciousness surrounding repurposed jewels is congruent with the importance placed on wedding jewelry that endures for generations. Evolving attitudes and stylistic inventiveness do not diminish sacred matrimonial conventions, but rather uphold them in ways that ensure their longevity. Overall, Indian jewelry has been influential to global couture for centuries, and paying its originators their due deference will create a fashion landscape that is inclusive without being appropriative.

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